Lakewood Theatre Company Auditions for High School Students: Saturday, May 15 and Sunday, May 16, 2021, for two live streaming plays on Zoom

Live Streaming productions for High School actors to be performed on Zoom

Online auditions for two plays (Metamorphoses and Haunted) will be held SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021, and SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021. Note: Actors should be available for callbacks if needed, Sign up on our online audition page to register.

All roles are open for High School actors. Actors are unpaid but are not required to pay any production or program fees. All ethnicities are encouraged to audition. The director for both productions is Demetri Pavlatos.

Audition location: Auditions for this production will be done online. Rehearsals and live stream production will also be done online.

Sign up online to secure an audition appointment.  You may submit your resume and headshot to Please include “Metamorphoses” and/or “Haunted” with your name in the subject line.

CLICK HERE for info on the plays and how to audition.