Feb 5, 2015 UPDATE:

GREAT NEWS. The campaign is going well. We are within $17,500 of our goal to match our $100,000 challenge. Can you help put us over the top?

Web – Give safely and securely online through our donation page.

Phone – Contact us at 503-635-6338
 and we can help you make a gift over the phone.

Mail – Mail your gift with pledge form to

Attn: Artist Training Facility
Lakewood Center for the Arts
368 S. State Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Please make checks payable to Lakewood Center for the Arts. Also be sure to note your contribution is for the Artist Training Facility on the memo line.

Want to know more? See our project info page

Lakewood is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 93-0700108 under the name Lakewood Theatre Company dba Lakewood Center for the Arts.

January 15, 2015

Dear Friends of Lakewood,

I’m writing you, as a Friend of Lakewood, to ask your support for a special project.

As you probably know from reading the Spotlight or looking at our website, we’re planning to build an Artist Training Facility—a separate building, to the north of the existing building, that will replicate the size of our Headlee Mainstage. This new 40’ x 50’ building will blend seamlessly into our historic facility. Having this facility will allow us to expand our class offerings in theatre, music, dance and are to middle and high school students—classes often not available in public schools.

Moreover, for the first time, actors, directors, set designers and lighting directors will be able to plan, build and rehearse in a dedicated space that is the same size as the Mainstage.

We hope to break ground on this new building in mid-February, and to complete it by the end of June.

The good news is that we’ve raised about 80% of the funds needed for this project. But we need another $50,000 to be able to break ground.

The even better news: we’ve secured a challenge grant of $100,000—funded by a few Lakewood Board Members and supporters. This means that your gift now will be doubled, thanks to this match!

But we only have a few weeks left to earn this challenge grant, so time is of the essence. Please consider making a gift of $500, $1,000 or more to this Capital Campaign. If you can’t make a gift now, please consider making a pledge, to be paid off later this year or over the next two years. Your pledge would be counted towards the matching grant if we receive your reply by February 15.

I hope you can join us now in this historic effort. Together we can make Lakewood, the largest arts provider in Clackamas County, even greater!


Peter Jurney
Development Director

Contribute to the Artist Training Facility

Contributions and pledges made before February 15, 2015 are eligible for a $100,000 matching grant! Thank you for your kind support, every gift makes a difference.

Web – Give safely and securely online through our donation page.

Phone – Contact us at 503-635-6338
 and we can help you make a gift over the phone.

Mail – Mail your gift with pledge form to

Attn: Artist Training Facility
Lakewood Center for the Arts
368 S. State Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Please make checks payable to Lakewood Center for the Arts. Also be sure to note your contribution is for the Artist Training Facility on the memo line.

Want to know more? See our project page.

Lakewood is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 93-0700108 under the name Lakewood Theatre Company dba Lakewood Center for the Arts.