The Odd Couple

by Neil Simon
Directed by Pat Patton
September 23 – October 17, 2021 – WE’RE BACK!!!

Show Title Sponsor: BILL & BARBARA WARNER

Directorial Sponsor: The Springs Living at Lake Oswego

Guest Artist Sponsor: Bonnie Conger

Purchase Tickets | $36/adults, $34/Senior. Discounts for students and groups

Hooray! We’ve missed you! We’re coming back beginning September 23, 2021, with performances of The Odd Couple.

NOTE: For this show only –  seating will be by general admission (no reserved seating). This will allow us to adjust occupancy for social distancing if needed.

And yes, proof of vaccination and masks are required. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe. CLICK HERE to see our COVID safety protocols as they are updated

Thank you for your patience as we work through re-opening together. Added note: The production is not part of the 4-show subscription package for the 21-22 season.

CLICK HERE for more details on the show

CLICK HERE to order tickets

Lakewood Theatre Company celebrates its 69th season of live theatre with Neil Simon’s comedy, The Odd Couple. Neil Simon’s legendary exploration of the relationship between fastidious Felix and his sloppy roommate Oscar is one of the most iconic and enduring pieces of 20th-century American comedy. The production, directed by Pat Patton, demonstrates that opposites can attract, but more likely they lead to hilarious results!