2015 Fertile Ground Plays at Lakewood

Steve Knox, Lakewood’s education coordinator and supervisor of this project for Lakewood, comments, “Last year was Lakewood’s first participation in the Fertile Ground Festival. We found the Festival as an excellent opportunity and partnership to expand Lakewood’s long tradition of introducing new works to our audiences.”

Knox continued, “The response was so overwhelming that we jumped at the opportunity to participate in this festival again this year. This is a whole different experience for our audiences who have the opportunity to view the birth of new works and are welcome to provide comments and feedback following each reading. In our four offerings we’ll premiere two musicals and two comedies. Each of the Lakewood presentations will offer a talk back session to better explore the themes presented.”

The four shows include:

  • Upon a Winter Road, Saturday, Jan 24 @ 2pm
  • The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Sunday, Jan 25 @ 2pm
  • Want Fries with That?, Monday, Jan. 26 @ 7pm
  • One Off! – Completely Improvised One Act Plays, Saturday, Jan. 31 @ 2pm

All of the Lakewood Fertile Ground offerings will be staged readings and are world premieres (defined as not having had a fully staged production in another venue in its current form regionally or nationally). 

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