Thanksgiving Day Yoga at Lakewood Center for the Arts  will benefit Oregon Food Bank

November 26th, 10.30 – 11.45 PM
All levels welcome

Donations of food or cash.
You may not know that 10 pounds of food OFB can distribute eight meals but with a $10 donations they can distribute 30 meals!

Oregon Food Bank needs these nutritious foods:

    • Shelf-stable milk
    • Foods high in protein such as canned meats (i.e., tuna, chicken, salmon) and canned or dried beans
    • Foods high in nutrients, such as canned fruits and vegetables (preferably with reduced sodium and reduced sugar)
    • Whole-grain foods such as brown rice, whole grain cereal and whole-wheat pasta
    • Soups, chilies and stews (preferably with reduced sodium and reduced fat)
    • 100 percent fruit juice (canned, plastic or boxed)
    • Unsaturated cooking oils
    • And other nutritious, “healthy-choice” foods (preferably with reduced fat, sodium and sugar)

Oregon Food Bank can’t use:

    • rusty or unlabeled cans
    • perishable items (applies only to food drive donations)
    • homemade items
    • noncommercial canned or packaged items
    • alcoholic beverages, mixes or soda
    • open or used items

PLEASE NOTE: If you donate glass products, please box or bag them separately and label the box or bag “GLASS” on all sides.

For additional  info contact Ryan Crosby Yoga