A fundraising event jointly shared by Lake Oswego Rotary Foundation and Lakewood Center for the Arts
Saturday, June 17, 2023
from 5:00 – 10:00 PM
Under the Big Top Tent at Lakewood Center for the Arts
368 S. State Street, in Lake Oswego
Table Sales available now – call 503-635-3901
or order online at: www.lobsterfeed.org
A portion of the proceeds from this event will benefit
The Lakewood Center for the Arts
Lake Oswego Rotary Foundation
Hunger Fighters of Oregon
Family Promise of Tualatin Valley
Easterseals of Oregon Summer Camp for Kids
Lakewood Center for the Arts – Youth arts education outreach programs
The Lake Oswego Rotary Club in partnership with Lakewood Center for the Arts will once again be undertaking its annual “Lobster Feed & Charity Auction under the Big Tent” and you’re invited to join more than 600 people to raise funds to benefit local, regional and international charities.
Tickets are $200 for Regular seating ($160 tax deductible), $225 for Patron seating ($185 tax deductible), and $250 for Premier seating (($210 tax deductible).
This gala event begins at 5:00 PM with cocktails and a silent auction. The dinner menu includes lobster flown in from Maine, clams, coleslaw, corn on the cob, hard-boiled egg, wine and beer.
No tipping required!!!
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED: Auction items make this event a success.
Please donate online at www.lobsterfeed.org. You can also mail your donation to:
PO Box 274, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034. THANK YOU!
Want to volunteer? CLICK HERE