November 9 -11, 2015 at 7:00 PM

2015-RHS-Almost-Maine_web.jpgWelcome to Almost, Maine, a town that’s so far north, it’s almost not in the United States – it’s almost in Canada. And it almost doesn’t exist. Because its residents never got around to getting organized. So it’s just…Almost.
One cold, clear Friday night in the middle of winter, while the northern lights hover in the sky above, Almost’s residents find themselves falling in and out of love in the strangest ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. Love is lost, found and confounded. And life for the people of Almost, Maine will never be the same.
ALMOST, MAINE: It’s love. But not quite.
RIVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL – For 15 student actors, the one night you’ll spend in Almost, Maine took almost two months of preparation.

“The rehearsals have been productive and very focused,” says Clara Hillier, co-director along with Heath Koerschgen. “We are sharing naturalistic acting techniques, honing comedic timing and recognizing tactics, beats and emotional connections with our scene partners.”

All but one of the nine acts of “Almost, Maine” focus on two people discovering and processing some form of love; new, old, unrequited, passionate, shy, anxious, unexpected or cautious love.
The performances will start at 7 p.m. on Nov. 9, 10 and 11 at the Lakewood Center for the Arts, 368 S. State St., Lake Oswego. Tickets will be sold at the door each night, $10 for adults and $7 for students and seniors. Cash or check only.