Re-Runs & the Lakewood Associates

About Us
Re-Runs is an upscale non-profit consignment thrift shop managed and staffed by the Lakewood Associates of the Lakewood Center for the Arts. Our shop is located in the south wing on the main level at Lakewood Center. The inventory changes daily and there is always a treasure awaiting you. Please bring your family and friends to visit our store. All net proceeds from sales go to improvements, equipment, and maintenance of Lakewood Center for the Arts.
Re-Runs is open Monday through Saturday 11AM - 3PM
Consignments taken by Appointment Only on Tuesdays
For further information or to schedule your appointment, contact the Reruns Shop at 503-636-8377
- Maximum 6 items per consignor, clean and in good repair
- 60% to Consignor - 40% to Reruns
- $30.00 minimum per item or set of items
- Furniture by appointment
Gladly accepted Monday - Saturday during normal business hours.
Tax deduction forms available on request.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Our Mission
The Lakewood Associates is an all volunteer support auxiliary of the Lakewood Center for the Arts. Our mission is to promote the welfare and serve the needs of Lakewood Center for the Arts.
More than 120 members contribute time, talent and treasure to enhance the programs and facilities at Lakewood. The Re-Runs Shop is one of several opportunities for volunteers to get involved in supporting Lakewood. Annual membership dues are $40.