2017 OTAS Awards

Pictured left to right: Joann Frankel, Grant Byington, Kurt Raimer, Jessica Carr, Darius Pierce, Lisa Knox, Max Ward, Sarah Jane Fridlich, Nancy McDonald, Kurt Herman, Mark Pierce, Alec Cameron Lugo, Kelly Sina, Clara-Liis Hillier, Jeremy Sloan, Amanda Pred, Cyndy Ramsey-Rier, Michael Snider, Megan Misslin, Matthew Sepeda.

On Friday, June 30, 2017, Lakewood Theatre Company held the OTAS (Oregon Theatrical Awards Society) presentation at the Lakewood Center to celebrate the closing of its 64th season of plays and its 46th annual OTAS Awards. Emcee for the evening was Alan Shearman, a past OTAS award winner and director of Lakewood’s upcoming 2017/18 season production of El Grande de Coca Cola. Artists recognized by Lakewood Theatre Company at the annual OTAS (Oregon Theatrical Awards Society) included:

Best Actor – Musical: Darius Pierce as John Adams in 1776
Best Supporting Actress – Musical: Dru Rutledge as Abigail Adams in 1776
Best Supporting Actor – Musical: Mark Pierce as Benjamin Franklin in 1776
Best Actress – Play: Sarah Jane Fridlich as Jacqueline De Severac in Murder On the Nile
Best Actor – Play: Grant Byington as Francis Henshall in One Man, Two Guvnors
Best Supporting Actress – Play: Lisa Knox as Miss folliet-ffoulkes in Murder On the Nile
Best Supporting Actor – Play: Burl Ross as Alfie in One Man, Two Guvnors
Featured Actor Award : Chrissy Kelly-Pettit for her standout role as Luisa Contini in Nine and Kelly Sina for her captivating performance as Martha Jefferson in 1776.
Best Choreographer: Michael Snider for Godspell
Best Costume Design: Jessica Carr for 1776
Best Set Design: Max Ward for 1776
Best Light Design: Kurt Herman for 1776
Best Musical Direction: Jon Quesenberry and Bruce McDonald for 1776
Outstanding Ensemble Award: the casts of Nine and Godspell
Best Director – Musical: Kurt Raimer for 1776
Best Director – Play: Don Alder for One Man, Two Guvnors and Nancy McDonald for Murder On the Nile
Best Musical: 1776
Best Play: Murder On the Nile

Additional awards included:
The Betty Kingsbury Heritage Award for exemplary service to the theatre went to Joann Frankel.
Volunteer Service Award: Gary Hardie and Dan & Mary Prosland

The O.T.A.S. Story
Nominees for the O.T.A.S. Awards (Oregon Theatrical Awards Society) are judged by a panel of judges who attend all shows. Performers are judged on role conception, vocal/physical interplay and performance impact on the audience.  Directors are judged on conception and interpretation of the play, use of performers as groups and overall impact. All Lakewood Theatre Company members receive ballots. Ballots are tabulated by Jerry R. Woods, Attorney at Law.

The O.T.A.S. Awards are given each year to honor those involved in productions at Lakewood Theatre Company. They originated in 1971. The first awards were framed photographs from the shows. Over the years, the award evolved into a free standing plaque designed by Jim Conway.