Young Playwrights Festival

Submission deadline: October 5, 2019


Lakewood Theatre Company is proud to announce its annual Young Playwrights Festival (YPF), an opportunity for High School aged playwrights to work with professional playwrights, directors and actors and to gain insight, experience and feedback about their plays. The aim of YPF is to provide an opportunity for young playwrights to learn and discover how their work is interpreted by actors and directors and provides a safe environment to make changes to their work or not.

Scripts will be reviewed and read by theater professionals, who will look at your storytelling, plot structure, characters and dialogue. Finalists will receive a staged reading of their play at Lakewood Theater as part of the Fertile Ground Festival on February 1, 2020. Each playwright will work with a company of professional actors, playwrights and a director.

Stage Manger, Director Interns: If you are a high school Junior or Senior who is not a playwright but is interested in shadowing/observing stage management or the directors please submit your resume and a 1 page cover letter telling us more about who you are and your goals in the theatre.

Submission Deadline:  October 5 Note: No charge for applicants
Selection Announced:  October 12
Workshops/Rehearsals: Saturday afternoons starting November 30, December 7, 14, 21, January 11, 18, 25
Fertile Ground Festival Staged Reading: February 1, 2019 2:00 pm

Submission Guidelines:
Each playwright must submit the following by email to:

• Your One Act Play 10 minute – 30 minutes in length (30-40 pages max.)
• 1 page cover letter, telling us about what inspired you to write this play and what you hope to learn or discover during this process. This workshop is for your benefit, tell us what you would like help with or have questions about.  If your play is a work in progress let us know.
• A list of any and ALL conflicts you may have with the workshop. Playwrights do are not required to attend all workshops.

All documents should be saved as (PDF’s) and labeled follows:
YPF_LAST NAME_Cover Letter
YPF_LAST NAME_Dates of conflicts (Having conflicts does not disqualify from participating)

Email PDF’s to:

In subject line write: YPF and your last name

Download an info sheet/flyer

This program is funded, in part, by a grant from the City of Lake Oswego, to foster youth outreach in the arts.

Rehearsal/Workshop Schedule

November 30 tentative time 2:00-5:00pm
Meet and Great-All plays are read aloud and discussed as a company
Discuss goals for the workshop

December 7 tentative time 2:00-5:00pm
December 14 tentative time 2:00-5:00pm
December 21 tentative time 2:00-5:00pm
   Professional Playwrights talk to the whole group
December 22 – January 10 Holidays and opportunity to write new pages
January 11 time: TBD
   Read through of plays
January 18 Rehearsal time TBD
January 25 Rehearsal time TBD
February 1
   Public Reading Performance 2pm Lakewood Theatre Company, Headlee Mainstage