Shots in the Dark, story telling concert at Lakewood Center for the Arts, Nov. 11, 2013 at 7:30 PMSHOTS IN THE DARK
7:30 PM, Monday, November 11, 2013, FREE admission

Lakewood Theatre provides much more to the community than award-winning, crowd-pleasing theatre. We also provide classes for people all ages.

One of the adult classes offered at Lakewood is How To Tell Your Story, and it is taught by actor and performing arts educator, Nancy McDonald, a West Linn resident. Four of her students, Nancy Dunis, Norbert Murray, Harriet Walker and Melissa Coe have woven rich and wonderful stories during the class and, under Nancy’s direction, on Monday, November 11, 2013 at 7:30 PM, they will be telling these stories onstage at the Lakewood Theatre.

“Shots in the Dark” is a free performance open to the public that takes place around a “kitchen table” that just happens to be at the front of the Lakewood stage, reminding us of a time when people shared the deep thoughts and feelings they experienced in their lives as stories.  And these are stories of the past, stories of memory, with titles like:  “Ode to Jello,” “Smiles in the Jungle, or How I Found My Passion in the Philippines,” “You’re Never Too Old” and “Departure Notes,” you know these stories will warm the Autumn chill and make the audience remember and want to share their own stories.