Meet the Matildas: Cora Craver and Jorja Reed 

Left to Right: Cora Craver, Andy Lindberg (Miss Trunchbull), Jorja Reed

Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical is now playing at Lakewood Theatre Company through August 18. This dynamite musical is a new entry into the Broadway canon (having premiered on London’s West End in 2011), and follows 5-year-old Matilda Wormwood, a young girl with an abnormally high intellect. In true Roald Dahl fashion, Matilda has to challenge bullies all around her – namely her parents and her school’s principal, the terrifying Miss Trunchbull. Through small acts of rebellion, she unites with her classmates and her teacher, Miss Honey, to uncover amazing skills that help to save them all.

The two young actresses playing Matilda in Lakewood’s production are Cora Craver and Jorja Reed, who have been lauded by both critics and audience members for their performances so far. Lakewood sat down with these two aspiring stars to uncover the differences in their portrayals of Matilda, learn about their second role in the musical, and find out what they want to be “When They Grow Up.”

In the show, Matilda is a five year old girl, but how old are you?

Cora Craver: I am 10 years old.

Jorja Reed: 11 years old.

What is your favorite scene in the show?

CC: I really like singing the song “Naughty.” It is an upbeat song and you really get to meet Matilda, and how she really is “a little bit Naughty.”

JR: I would have to say my two favorite scenes in the show would be “My House” with Miss Honey, and “Story 4: I’m Here,” with the escapologist. Just because those scenes are so beautiful and touching.

What do you like best about the Matilda production?

CC: The cast. They are all so kind and caring, and I also just love being onstage.

JR: My favorite part about Matilda is the message the story tells: “Just because you find that life’s not fair it doesn’t mean that you just have to grin and bear it.” And how all of the wacky and zany characters in the show help present that idea.

Left to right: Cora Craver, Brooke Moltrum (Miss Honey), Jorja Reed

If you could play any other character in the show, who would you be?

CC: When I am older I would love to play Miss Honey. She is a caring woman who has been bullied her whole life, and she still has a love for kids, and she has a special love for Matilda.

JR: If I could play any other character in the show it would have to be Miss Honey, just because she’s such a sweet and caring character in the show.

Some people don’t realize this, but you actually play two roles: when you’re not onstage as Matilda, you’re playing Tommy. Do you have a backstory for Tommy? What is it like playing both roles?

JR: I think Tommy is just a fun-loving and mischievous kid. Tommy also is best friends with Nigel in the show, and during multiple scenes you can find them playing chopsticks together and talking about chocolate energy bars. Playing Tommy and Matilda is a challenge every show, because i’m constantly reminding myself who I am and where I have to be at that moment. However it is always fun to play both roles.

CC: I like to think that Matilda takes the mental energy and Tommy takes the physical. Tommy has wonderful parents, but he is crazy! He makes sure that his parents do not know that he really is revolting. But when I play Matilda, that all fades away and I have parents that are cruel to me and it is a totally different story. It has been very tough learning two roles and only getting half of the practice. Even though it is hard, it is still fun, and I have everyone in the cast cheering me on.

Which of Matilda’s traits do you identify with the most?

JR: I identify with Matilda’s confidence and boldness.

CC: I think that I identify with being confident in what I do. Like Matilda, I always have a plan. I am also on a swim team, Oregon City Swim Team, and when I am in the water and racing against other people I need to be confident and do my best.

How about the least?

Jorja Reed as Matilda

JR: I identify the least with how she struggles with her parents. 

CC: I do not like getting in trouble, so I do not think I am Naughty like Matilda is, but sometimes you do need to make a little mischief. 

Photo (right): Jorja Reed as Matilda

What, for you, has been the most challenging part about the show?

CC: It was the long rehearsals. Tech two days, as I called it, were long and hard. We were there for 24 hours in two days. But the cast made it fun.

JR: I think definitely the most challenging part about the show would have to be memorizing everything, such as lines and cues, and when to stand here, or talk louder here. And because we are double cast it is a challenge to remember the blocking for a scene if we haven’t been Matilda for the past week. 

Okay, now for some fun ones! What’s your favorite musical?

CC: I love Hamilton! I love singing the songs because I have memorized all the words!

JR: I don’t think I could ever decide just one, but a couple of them would be Matilda (of course), Legally Blonde, Peter Pan, Tuck Everlasting and Shrek.

Cora Craver as MatildaFavorite subject in school?

CC: Math. I really like adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers. 

JR: My favorite subject in school is probably creative writing/story telling.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

CC: I really do not know yet. All I know is that I would like to help others and make the world a better place, like a mini-Matilda.

JR: When I grow up I want to be a Broadway Star!

Photo (left): Cora Craver as Matilda

Cora Craver plays Matilda on August 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 (evening) 15, 16, 17 and 18.

Jorja Reed plays Matilda on July 31, August 8, 9, 10, 11 (matinee) and 14.

Find tickets and more information for the show here.