rocketcover.jpgLake Oswego Reads Announces Book for 2017

The Lake Oswego Public Library has selected Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars by Nathalia Holt as the 2017 book for its award winning citywide reading program. The official kickoff of Lake Oswego Reads will be on January 9, 2017.  As has been the practice for all 11 years, a free book will be distributed to Lake Oswego Public Library card holders, thanks to the Friends of the Lake Oswego Library. For information on Lake Oswego Reads see the City website.

Lakewood will be participating in Lake Oswego Reads 2017 with five events:

Wed, Feb 1, 2017   6:30 PM reception, 7:00 PM program
Mary Kaiser, “How NASA came to be”
Headlee Mainstage Theatre at Lakewood Center for the Arts

Oswego Heritage Council hosts Mary Kaiser, a research scientist at NASA AMES Research Center. She will explain the history of space that few know. Dr. Mary K. Kaiser worked as a research psychologist in the Human Systems Integration Division at NASA Ames Research Center for over 30 years.  She received her Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Virginia, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan in applied experimental psychology before joining Ames.  OHC logoThe author of over sixty articles and chapters on perceptual psychology and human factors and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, Dr. Kaiser also served as an associate editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance for over a decade.  Her position prior to retirement was Project Scientist for NASA’s Space Human Factors Engineering Project.  Dr. Kaiser also holds two patents for innovative display technologies.See Oswego Heritage Council website for more info on their First Wednesday Series. Free event.

Monday, February 6, 2017    6:00 – 8:00 PM,  
Lake Oswego Reads Art Show: Reception & Meet the Artists
Lakewood Entryway Gallery, Main Hall, and Headlee Mainstage Theatre

Well recognized artists will explain the art they created after reading Rise of the Rocket Girls which will be displayed during February at Lakewood Center. Reception at 6:00, program at 6:30 with dessert following.
Artists include: Stuart Adams, Bill Baily, Mary Burgess, Leslie Cheney-Parr, Susan Cowan, Lisa M Finch-Wiser, Bonnie Garlington, Susan Greenbaum, Dave Haslett, Jani Hoberg, Susan Jensen, Dyanne Locati, Vicki Mintkeski, Ann Munson, Debby Neely, Kara Pilcher, Jan Rimerman, Beth Verheyden, Barbara Wagner. Free event.

Saturday Feb 11, 2017   10:30 AM – 12;00 PM,  Reader’s theatre: “Breaking the Sound Barrier: Celebrating Unsung Heroes in Science”
Community Meeting Room at Lakewood Center for the Arts

Enjoy a  lively Reader’s Theatre presentation with a focus on women of achievement in science of whom you’ve never heard.  The actors will represent Nobel Prize winners, astronauts, inventors, and other inspirational women scientists in a refreshing and fun style.  You’ll learn about heroes whose achievements affect our everyday lives in a positive way.  Directed by experienced local theatre producer Barbara McDonald and featuring local AAUW actors.  Written by Gloria Holland, Salem AAUW. Free event.

Women pioneers in science, technology, engineering and math for LO Reads 2017Feb. 16, 10:30 AM: Pioneer Women of Achievement in Science, Panel discussion led by Pat Squire for Lakewood Associates luncheon. Learn from this group of women pioneers in local science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields about their journey through their scientific careers in Oregon. Their enlightening perspective can inform women about the path to success in the STEM fields.  Panelists: Michelle Girts, an environmental scientist and regional technology manager, formerly with CH2M Hill; Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli, an engineering manager designing microprocessors at Intel; Angela Wykoff, a former manager/engineer and contract negotiator at Bonneville Power Administration. Event location: Community Meeting Room at Lakewood Center for the Arts.Lunch – $10 Reservations by 2/10 to 503-620-9092 or email
Dr. Ronald Tammen at Lakewood Center for the Arts, Feb. 20, 2017, Lake Oswego ReadsFeb. 20, 7:00 PM: “The Cold War Era,” PSU professor Dr. Ronald Tammen. Dr. Ronald Tammen, professor of Political Science and International Affairs Counsellor at the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University will review the Cold War Era. Prior to Portland State he was Department Chair and Associate Dean at the National War College in Washington, D.C.  The National War College is the federal government’s premier educational institution for senior State Department, Defense Department and select international officials. Free event.

More about Dr. Tammen
Dr. Ronald L. Tammen currently is a professor of Political Science and International Affairs Counsellor at the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University.  From 2001 to 2015, he served as the Founding Director of the Hatfield School leading it through an unprecedented expansion.

Prior to Portland State he was Department Chair and Associate Dean at the National War College in Washington, D.C.  The National War College is the federal government’s premier educational institution for senior State Department, Defense Department and select international officials. In a previous position, Dr. Tammen was Chief of Staff to Senator William Proxmire (D-Wis).  Proxmire served as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, the Joint Economic Committee and several Subcommittees of the Appropriations Committee.  Dr. Tammen also served as a Staff Consultant to the Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus led by Senator Mark O. Hatfield (R-OR).

In the private sector, Dr. Tammen was managing partner of Potomac Partners, a national public relations and lobbying firm based in Washington, D.C. that represented major clients in the banking, aerospace, food, environment, and technology arenas.

Dr. Tammen holds a BA in political science from Pacific University, a MA and Ph.D. in political science (world politics) from the University of Michigan and certificates from Reed College and the National War College.  He has lectured widely in the United States and abroad; has led official delegations to over 30 countries; and is a frequent guest analyst on radio and television.

His research interests center on world politics with an emphasis on the emergence of China as a world power.  He has published a number of national security related books in several languages the most recent of which is The Performance of Nations. He is a recognized international expert on power transition theory.