July 17, 2014
The Meyer Memorial Trust announced today an award of $100,000 to Lakewood Theatre Company in its campaign to build a dedicated rehearsal space, and for other renovations at the oldest continuously operating theatre company in the Portland area.
The new Artist Training Facility provides theatrical artists and teachers a place to train with a space built specifically to their needs. This project is the capstone project of Phase One, Lakewood’s capacity building and program improvement goal adopted by its board of directors in their strategic plan for facility improvements.
The new 40’ x 50’ building will serve as a rehearsal hall and learning environment. This new facility will be built in a portion of the playground at the north end of the current building. It will be connected to Lakewood’s main hall with a raised sidewalk. Current programs that access the playground will have a redesigned space to accommodate their needs.
Lakewood still needs to raise about $450,000 to complete this project. Construction, when funds are raised, is targeted to begin late spring 2015.
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