David Trowbridge New paintings by David Trowbridge on display in the Entryway Gallery at Lakewood, Jan. 4 – Feb. 20, 2012

Painter David Trowbridge is the featured artist in our Entryway Gallery January 4 – February 20, 2012. “Seeing in paint” is how David describes the process of creating his latest paintings inspired by the landscape surrounding his home and studio in Portland. “Nature suggests ideas to me (forms, colors, lines) and I take those cues and transcribe the results onto canvas with paint.” The resulting paintings are often described as abstract, but to David they are simply paintings of nature.

Trowbridge’s paintings also reflect his place and his time. Local flora, although simplified and abstracted, imbues his paintings with an Oregon Sensibility. The painter also uses modern materials like acrylic, latex, and spray paints as well as tools more often found at a construction site to create painting that he says “could not have been made 100 years ago.

For more information on the artist and his work, please click here

To contact the artist, click here.