Lakewood Theatre Company is a member of and supports the Portland Area Theatre Alliance in their efforts to raise funds for the Valentine Fund. This fund helps actors recover from life incidents that are more challenging then their resources. See below for a special fundraiser to benefit actors, technicians and musicians in our community.


anonymous2015.jpgThe Anonymous Theatre Company Presents
The Real Inspector Hound  by Tom Stoppard
Directed by Darius Pierce

Monday, August 10 at 7:00 pm
The Gerding Theatre at Portland Center Stage
128 NW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR

Tickets: $25
50% of all net proceeds go to PATA’s Valentine Fund

Auditions are held… in secret. The play is cast… in secret. Cast members rehearse the show one-on-one with the director… secretly… and do not learn the identity of the other cast members. On the night of the performance, the actors arrive in street clothes and enter the theatre as if they are members of the audience. They take their seats. They read their programs. They chat with their neighbors. The house lights dim and the play begins… with each actor delivering his or her first line from their seat. The audience gets to see the story happen as if it is happening for the first time… because it is happening for the first time.

In its fourteenth year, Anonymous Theatre will continue to astound audiences with its overwhelmingly exciting energy. Come be a part of the secret.

In The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard, two feuding theater critics are swept into the whodunit they were sent to review. In this hilarious spoof of Agatha Christie-like melodramas, the dead body hidden under the sofa proves to be just the beginning. As mists rise about isolated Muldoon Manor, everyone becomes dangerously implicated in the lethal activities of an escaped madman.

This evening of theatre also includes On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning by Alex Dremann. In this ten-minute curtain-opener that premiered at the Humana Festival, a mother and daughter sip coffee on the porch one gloriously crisp spring morning. And then try to kill each other.