Audience Survey

Share Your Thoughts on Lakewood Theatre

Audience Survey

We'd love to read your thoughts on the show and about Lakewood. You can stay anonymous, but you leave your name and email, we'll put you into a drawing for free tickets to our next show!

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Please be as specific as possible. This helps is focus our advertising.
What was your reaction to the show overall?

Would you recommend the show to others?

I've never been to LakewoodI've volunteered here beforeI see plays hereI take classes, shop at ReRuns, or attend meetings at LakewoodI come to Lakewood for many things!I've been via the Festival of the Arts
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Anything else we can help you with?

The following questions are for grant writing purposes and are entirely optional.

ManNon-binaryTransgenderWomanI prefer to self-describeI don't wish to answer
Black or of African descentEast AsianHispanic, Latinx or of Spanish OriginIndigenous, American Indian or Alaska NativeMiddle Eastern or North African NativeHawaiian or Pacific IslanderSouth AsianSoutheast AsianWhite or EuropeanI prefer to self-describe
YesNoI prefer to self-describeI don't wish to answer
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